Category Archives: Teaching

Preparing for teaching

I’m about to start teaching. Not paid teaching, not yet, but teaching nonetheless. Tomorrow morning I have a two-hour class on how to become accredited to teach in higher education*, and this morning my secondary supervisor asked me if I’d like to teach an undergraduate class in information architecture as part of a “module” (US friends, that’s what they call a course in the UK) that he’s teaching on concept modeling. I immediately said yes. I won’t be paid for doing this because I’m considered to be in training to teach, but it’s a start. I’ll need to find out how long the class will last and what I can assume the students already know. It should be fun.

*“Higher Ed[ucation]” is often hashtagged #highered, but when I read it I can’t help thinking it’s the past participle of “to higher” — i.e., the opposite of “lowered”. But I guess that people who go through “highered” can be said to have been highered. Haha.